Finances & Special Requests
PTO Budget
Our Treasurer is Megan Langhals ( Megan will distribute the reimbursement, deposit, and sales tax exemption forms electronically to all chairs. Additional copies can be found in the main office or on the PTO portion of the Montgomery Elementary website (minus the Tax Exempt Form).
Once you purchase items, please submit your receipt(s) along with the Reimbursement Form to Megan. The preferred method is to use the Google Form and submit electronically. When filling out the form, make sure to check the appropriate box so that funds are deducted from the correct committee. A copy of the invoice and/or receipt should be emailed to Documentation must be received within 24 hours of submitting this form. If you purchase from an online vendor, please include a copy of the packing slip. Forms and receipt(s) can be left in the PTO Treasurer’s mailbox at school if necessary, or mailed to Megan's home address as listed on the form. This year you can choose to be reimbursed via check or PayPal. PayPal is preferred as we continue to “go green”!
If your committee receives a bill or online invoice, please forward it to Megan at your earliest convenience. She makes every effort to pay bills within 24-48 hours of receipt.
NO SALES TAX: Please remember that the PTO cannot reimburse for sales tax. Please use the Sales Tax Exemption Form when making all purchases.
If your committee collects money at any time, please use the Deposit Form to submit funds. When submitting checks, it is imperative that you confirm all checks have been signed and directed to the “Montgomery PTO”. When possible, please group your checks together by amount. If you have a significant deposit, please contact Megan so she can make arrangements to get it in a timely manner. For safe-keeping, deposits can also be left with Teka in the school’s main office.
The PTO is a volunteer organization that would not exist without the time, effort, and talents of our amazing membership. The Executive Board expresses our deepest gratitude for your commitment to making Montgomery Elementary a better place.
The PTO happily provides funding for many activities and items throughout the school. Check out this sample list of the many items/events that are happily funded by the PTO!
Special Requests
The PTO Executive Board will be having a Special Requests meeting on November 10th. Special Requests is the term the Montgomery PTO uses for large-scale gifting to the school. This meeting consists of the Montgomery PTO Executive Board, representative members from the administration and staff, and a parent representative from each elementary grade level. During this meeting, the attendees will discuss and evaluate each submitted request relative to other requests, the available budget, and the needs of the school.
ANY PTO member may request an item(s) that could benefit the Montgomery Elementary School and, if approved, the PTO will purchase this item for the school. (You're a member if you received this email directly from
The criteria to be considered for special request funds include:
- the person making the request must be a current member of the Montgomery Elementary PTO (Membership form).
- the item(s) requested need to benefit the majority of the students.
- the item(s) must be a long term fixed asset. It cannot be a consumable or anything with a useful life of less than one year.
- the person making the request must provide pricing for the item(s) from more than one source without taxes.
- if approved, the item(s) will become the property of the Montgomery Elementary PTO and must remain in the school building/property.
If you are interested, please complete this special request form.
Please direct any questions to mtptovpwaymeans@